Dr. Christoph Frei, Secretary General and CEO of the World Energy Council will present a wide-ranging talk on the energy transition covering critical issues from a global, regional and Mexican perspective. He will highlight some insights delivered by the Council through its tools, research and engagement on innovation, scenarios for the global and regional energy landscape to 2050, policy challenges and new business models to balance access, cost, and environmental sustainability, and our start-up and innovation agenda. He will also invite bright and committed applicants interested in further the World Energy Council’s mission of sustainable supply and use of energy for the benefit of all to consider applying to join the Council at its London Secretariat on the new Conacyt – SENER Trilemma 12 month traineeship programme and offer some anecdotes of what they will learn and contribute.
“Grand Transition, Innovation, and New Energy Realities”
Centro de Energía y Recursos Naturales (CERN)
Conferences and Seminars
CONVOCATORIA l Concurso CAF de Ensayos Universitarios "Ideas para el Futuro"
En el marco de la celebración del 50 Aniversario CAF –banco de desarrollo de América Latina, invitamos a los estudiantes de ese prestigioso... [+]
“Seminario sobre Información Ambiental y su Aplicación en la Toma de Decisiones Económicas y Financieras”
En el contexto del seminario internacionalsobre financiamiento verde que organiza el Banco de México para Bancos Centrales del continente... [+]
Seminario ITAM – GIZ “Electromovilidad: Un camino a seguir para mejorar la calidad del aire. Oportunidades y retos”
El sector transporte es un gran consumidor de energía, proveniente principalmente de combustibles fósiles, lo cual impacta en las emisiones... [+]
Videos [+]
Dr. Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia Rius
Antonio Lloret Carrillo
Informaciones Generales: ciern@itam.mx