
ITAM, through the ITAM-CENR, seeks to remain as an opinion leader in the key issues for Mexico, such as the energy sector and the sustainable management of natural resources. With this purpose, the center is structured through the following objectives:


•             Develop and publish innovative research on issues of energy and environment that allow society, industry, academia, and government to have a sound basis (benchmarks) to make informed decisions.


•             Establish a permanent dialogue and communication with the energy sector, promoting a healthy debate of ideas and allowing early detection of issues and areas of opportunity in the design and implementation of public policies.


To achieve these objectives, ITAM-CENR promotes the following activities:


I.                    Training: courses related to the energy sector and the sustainable management of natural resources in different degrees and modalities (seminars, conferences, courses, certificate programs, among others) with both domestic and foreign experts.


II.                  Research: given the close relationship between ITAM and various relevant institutions for the energy sector, there is a special channel that allows conducting scientific research in the field of energy sector, particularly with regard to the design of regulatory models and cutting-edge sustainable environmental policies.


III.                Publications: the center will promote the publication of scientific research as well as a periodical newsletter.


IV.                Conferences and debates: ITAM constitutes a meeting point of various public, private, and social actors in the sectors of energy and natural resources. This feature allows it to serve as the center and leader in the debate on regulatory trends and perspectives for both sectors. In this sense, the center constantly promotes forums, conferences, and seminars (for example, Climate Change International Conference, Seminar on Energy, and Seminar on Development and Natural Capital).


V.                  Institutional relationships: also as an essential activity, relations with academic and governmental institutions involved in both sectors will be promoted. These institutions are, for example, SENER; SEMARNAT; PEMEX; CRE; CNH; AIE; OECD; CONABIO; CONAGUA; GEF; International Development Bank; World Bank; Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars; United Nations; University of Houston Law Center; Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Center; Center for U.S. and Mexican Law; Universidad del Externado de Colombia;  and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.